Jurnal Penelitian

Jurnal Penelitian

Nurhattati Fuad

Sebuah keniscayaan, setiap warga Indonesia untuk mengenyam dan memperoleh layanan pendidikan. Berpijak dari hal tersebut, berbagai program pemerataan dan peningkatan aksesibilitas pendidikan bagi semua warga Indonesia dilakukan pemerintah. Program tersebut, di samping bertujuan untuk mewujudkan demokrasi pendidikan, keadilan sosial, dan perwujudan nilai-nilai dasar kemanusiaan, juga  di masa depan bangsa Indonesia akan mampu “survived” di tengah dinamika kehidupan yang kian kompetitif dan mengglobal. Terkait dengan aksesibilitas pendidikan warga pada jenjang pendidikan SD/MI, hingga tahun 2003, tercatat dari 29.142.093 terdapat 542.258 siswa yang tidak dapat melanjutkan pendidikan ke jenjang pendidikan lebih tinggi (SMP/MTS). Hal tersebut, salah satunya disebabkan faktor geografis--jarak antara sekolah dengan tempat tinggal jauh. Realitas kependidikan seperti ini, maka sejak tahun 2004, di daerah yang memiliki  kondisi tertentu, didirikan sekolah satu atap, yang selanjutnya diikuti dengan pendirian madrasah satu atap sejak tahun 2006. Madrasah Satu Atap (MSA) pada dasarnya merupakan sistem penyelenggaraan sekolah dikelola secara terpadu baik secara fisik maupun pengelolaannya. Dengan demikian, MSA Pendidikan Dasar (yang terbangun dari sistem penyelenggaraan MI dan MTS), diantaranya bercirikan adanya keterpaduan dalam pengelolaaan dan berbagai sistem penyelenggaraannya. Antara lain, MSA memiliki keterpaduan dalam: (1) pengembangan visi dan misi pendidikan dasar di lingkungannya, (2) penyusunan program kerja tahunan sekolah, (3) pengelolaan kurikulun terpadu, (3) pengelolaan penerimaan siswa baru di lingkungannya, (4) pengatasan angka putus sekolah, angka mengulang, dan angka transisi, (5) pengatasan/pemenuhan kebutuhan tenaga kependidikan, (6) pengatasan/penyediaan kebutuhan sarana pembelajaran, (7) pengatasan keterbatasan keuangan, (8) mengupayaan partisipasi orang tua dan masyarakat, serta  (9) pengembangan upaya peningkatan kualitas pendidikan dasar.

Pendirian atau pengembangan MSA antara lain dilatar-belakangi oleh sejumlah faktor ekonomis, geografis, kultural dan manajerial. Secara geografis, MSA dikembangkan di daerah terpencil, terisolir, dan siswa terpencar. Dimana jarak sekolah dan siswa tak terjangkau. Secara ekonomis, MSA didirikan di daerah miskin dan terpencil. Secara manajerial, pendirian MSA dilakukan dalam upaya efisiensi penyelenggaraan sekolah. Dalam konteks ini, MSA dikembangkan pada MI  yang menghasilkan lulusan sedikit dan tidak mampu menjangkau SMP atau MTS terdekatnya, namun memiliki motivasi tinggi untuk melanjutkan ke jenjang pendidikan lebih tinggi. Oleh karena itu, pengembangan Model MSA dapat dilakukan secara variatif sesuai dengan kebutuhan komunitas penggunanya, antara lain: (1) mengembangkan model MI-MTS Satu Atap, dengan basis MI asal, yang dilakukan dengan cara menambah sumber daya pendidikan, (2) menggabungkan sejumlah MI berdekatan dalam satu daerah, dengan basis salah satu MI yang dianggap lebih memiliki sumberdaya, menjadi MI-MTS Satu Atap, dan (3) mengembangkan sejumlah MI dan sebuah MTS (yang sudah ada dan berada pada wilayah terjangkau), dengan basis adalah MTS, menjadi MI-MTS Satu Atap.


Oleh :
Diah Armeliza

Tlie purpose of tliis research is to improve the students' learning achievement in Introduction to Educational Statistics in the Department of Educational Management, School of Education, State University of Jakarta. This classroom action research ivas conducted in 2008/2009 academic year involving 50 students. The instructional model developed and implemented in this research was corrected feedback which had proved significant improvement of the students' learning achievement in the theory and practice of educational statistics.
Key words: corrected feedback, instructional quality, learning achievement

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa pada mata kuliah Pengantar Statistik Pendidikan, dengan memberikan umpan balik yang dikoreksi. Penelitian dilakukan di jurusan Manajemen Pendidikan pada semester ganjil tahun ajaran 2008/2009. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas yang dilakukan dengan mengikutsertakan 50 mahasiswa. Model pembelajaran penilaian umpan balik yang dikoreksi dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa dan membuat siswa menguasai konsep Pengantar Statistik Pendidikan baik dalam teori dan praktik. Penelitian ini memberikan motivasi bagi siswa untuk lebih menyukai mata kuliah Pengantar Statistik Pendidikan karena mereka lebih memahami program secara keseluruhan.
Kata-kata kunci: umpan balik dikoreksi, mutu pengajaran, hasil belajar.


Oleh :

The main objective of this study is to describe the development of the library in the Educational Management Department, School of Education, State University of Jakarta. The study covers the availability and utilization of the library facility, the library service, and the consumers' satisfaction. Tlie study was conducted at Tlie Education Management Department for four months with 72 samples selected randomly. Tlie study found out the library of tlie Education Management Department has been well managed, the library facility is satisfactory but the capacity can accommodate about 20 students only. The consumers' satisfaction tends to be low.
Key words: library, library utilization, library consumers, consumers satisfaction

Tujuan utama dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menjelaskan bagaimana pengembangan perpustakaan jurusan Manajemen Pendidikan, meliputi aspek: (1) ketersediaan dan pemanfaatan fasilitas perpustakaan, (2) layanan pelanggan perpustakaan, (3) kepuasan pelanggan terhadap layanan perpustakaan. Penelitian ini dilakukan di jurusan Manajemen Pendidikan dalam waktu 4 bulan dengan jumlah sampel 72 responden yang dilakukan dengan acak sederhana. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perpustakaan jurusan Manajemen Pendidikan tidak dikelola dengan baik. Ketersediaan fasilitas sudah cukup tetapi ruangan dapat menampung hanya sekitar 20 siswa dan kepuasan pelanggan untuk layanan yang disediakan atau kelengkapan bahan pustaka masili rendah.
Kata-kata kunci: perpustakaan, pemanfaatan perpustakaan, pelanggan perpustakaan, kepuasaan pelanggan.


Oleh :
Dwi Deswary

This research aimed to know about the implementation of performance appraisal policy lecturer in the graduate program and the impact of policy implementation in the learning performance, data sources obtained from the director of PPs, Assistant Director I and II, Ka.Prodi, Sekprodi and lecturer at PPs UNJ. Data collected by observation, interview and documentation. Data is analyzed using descriptive approach. Research findings to inform you that the performance measurement needs to articulate the vision/mission, organizational goals, and objectives of the organization. Strategies for achieving goals through lecture attendance and dissemination of instruments to students, for the development of measurement systems, the leading commitee have prepared the lecturer performance assessment instruments and processing for field assessment instrument is being done to report the results to the lecturers. Whereas for use of performance measurement information needs to be followed up to make it more effective. In addition to improving performance is highly depend on individual commitment each lecturer.

Key words: Policy, Assessment of Lecturer Performance


Oleh :

At present more directional orientation of the organization to fulfill the needs of customers, both existing customers within and outside the organization. So also with the quality of higher education orientation, which is directed at the needs of the community college (faculty, students, staff) as well as general community needs. The purpose of this study was to describe the implementation process of teaching and learning in higher education, service to students and the system of supervision of learning activities. While the methods used in this research is descriptive method with population research masters student educational management force from 2009 to 2010. The results of the research are as follows : 1) Implementation of the learning process in educational management department have been met, 2) Information on educational management department have also been fulfilled, 3) Service learning resources on educational management department are not entirely satisfied, including the availability of laboratory educational management, 4) Monitoring learning educational management department have been run well.

Key Word: Quality Learning, Customer Needs dan Quality Assurance


Oleh :

This study aims to determine supervisory department of education management of learning activities, (2) standard of surveillance in the management department of education and (3) the regulatory process at the department of education management This study used a qualitative approach to collect data, namely the phenomenological approach with key informant, faculty, students and employees. The results showed that the supervisory head of management department of education just reviewing reports, without looking directly into the field, (2) assessment standards used by the leadership department has not been defined operationally, and (3) the regulatory process management department of education leaders have not considered the standard physical financial and intangible
Keywords: Supervisor, Assessment, Education and Leadership

STRATEGI MEMPEROLEH SUMBERDAYA MANUSIA PENDIDIKAN YANG BERMUTU (Studi Pemetaan Kompetensi Kepala Sekolah Bagi Calon Kepala Sekolah Dasar Di Kabupaten Bekasi)

Oleh :

Improving the quality of education management begins with the improvement of human resources schools, principals as school managers need to have a high competence. To assume the principal!s office is necessary to prepare the candidates who meet the qualifications and competence Goals of this study to obtain strategy to get quality education through ; first competency mapping pricipal candidate, second; competency mapping for the principal candidates in terms of the total competence of the principal, third competency mapping principal candidate from each principal aspects of competence.
Survey approach use for this study data analysis with kuantitatif descriptive. Collecting data principal of competency with instrument by paper and pencil. Result of this study to Mapping of Competence Principal Candidate, first Mapping competencies for prospective principals principals only 3% of the candidates included in the category of high competence, and 46% of the principal candidates have been category, 51% belong to low or very low. Second mapping competencies of principal are acquired 63% of the principal candidates have mastered the managerial competence and social competence, for competence and personal entrepreneurship 43% of the principal candidates master the competence, the competence for supervision while the only 26% controlled by the principal candidate. Third Mapping competencies for managerial competence, entrepreneurship, personal, supervision and social; there are some competencies have mastery and any competece have not master.
Based on mapping results, the implication of this study are : for the competence of managerial skills development priorities through education and training or workshop activities. For entrepreneurial competencies need to be trained to think of creative and innovative capabilities through case studies. For the supervision competencies need to be trained through simulation. For social competence and personality is only required to guide them through regular meetings.
Kata kunci: Strategi, SDM bermutu, kompetensi kepala sekolah -manajerial-kepribadian- supervisi-kewirausahaan-sosial.

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